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 Books Movies Music The books I read: The Book of Mirdad  
| A great book from Mikhail Naimy, a friend of Kalil Gibran. Just for the sake of it, an excerpt can be read on the following page..  MIRDAD: Love is the law of God. You live that you may learn to love. You love that you may learn to live. No other lesson is required of Man. `Whoever cannot find a temple in his heart, the same can never find his heart in any temple.' Written by a close friend and biographer of Kahlil Gibran, The Book of Mirdad is a masterpiece of spiritual wisdom to rank alongside The Prophet. It is a timeless allegorical story about a mysterious stranger, Mirdad, who visits the remote mountain monastery of the Ark. There he assumes the role of teacher to the nine chosen Companions, and through his dialogue with them, we are given teachings which show us how it is possible to transform our consciousness and uncover the God within, by dissolving our sense of duality. The Book of Mirdad is among the great religious classics of the twentieth century and deserves to be the constant companion of any spiritual seeker. | Lord of the Rings  J.R.R.Tolkien  | A book by J. R. R. Tolkien. I read it 8 times. I don't think I have to say much about it. | Hermann Hesse  Siddharta Narziss and Goldmund Demian  | Fantastic books. Especially Narziss and Goldmund has been a great influence in my life. I have been a monk and a man of the world in extremes. Abraxis, the God above the Gods of good and evil... | Fritjof Capra  Tao of physics  | If you are into science and religion, this is the book for you... "It moves, It moves not It is far, and It is near. It is within all this, And It is outside of all this." | I tjing, I Ching...  | Worked for years with it. Absolute must for the 'wising up' If two people in the deepest of their soul are one, then they are stronger than iron or bronze, and if two people understand each other from the deepest depths of their soul, then their words are as sweet and as strong as the smell of orchids. great Dutch site for asking the oracle For the English | Shambala Warriors  Chogyam Trungpa, Rinpoche  | A story about a man, who sees a world of 'Inner Warriors' when looking into a mirror, who fight their inner demons rather than the outer. Shambala | Norman Finkelstein The Holocaust Industry: Reflections on the Exploitation of Jewish Suffering  Very critical and right on.  | This devastating take-down of Holocaust hype and hucksterism has already created a sensation in Europe, and drawn official Jewish outrage on both sides of the Atlantic. A Holocaust true believer, the son of concentration camp internees, and a Jew, Professor Finkelstein dares to write truths that few other academics would dare to think. The result is a passionate and informed book that traces the contemporary Holocaust cult to Israel and Zionism; makes a devastating critique of the Judeocentric and anti-Gentile bias central to "Holocaust studies" (with some titillating swipes at Elie Wiesel and similar frauds); and delivers an annihilating account of how international Jewish organizations and shyster lawyers staged the great Swiss bank "double shakedown" under the pretext of retrieving survivor assets, then kept nearly all the money for themselves. Every revisionist reader will find something to disagree with, of course, but The Holocaust Industry abounds with facts, quotes ("the field of Holocaust studies is replete with nonsense, if not sheer fraud"), and ideas to fortify revisionists, and to undermine the Holocaust cult. | Jonathan Livingstone Seagul  | "Most gulls don't bother to learn more than the simplest facts of flight--how to get from shore to food and back again," "For most gulls it is not flying that matters, but eating. For this gull, though, it was not eating that mattered, but flight." | Carlos Castaneda  The Teachings of Don Juan The Art Of Dreaming Being-in-Dreaming The Sorcerers' Crossing The Witch’s Dream Magical Passes The Wheel of Time  | I have read them all. So intriguing as it starts, the more of a fool I think he is as I go through the books. It seems in his latter life, he 'got it' and passed it on to some disciples. They are continuing Don Guans Teachings. I know some people involved in his work, here in the Netherlands, and they are no fools... They told me it is a legitimate path.. | Priests and Politicians: The Mafia of the Soul OSHO | What has made [Osho] the most unwanted man in the world is his rare breed of no-holds-barred honesty. | The Art of War  Sun Tzu  | Sun Tzu said: The art of war is of vital importance to the State. It is a matter of life and death, a road either to safety or to ruin. Hence it is a subject of inquiry which can on no account be neglected. The art of war, then, is governed by five constant factors, to be taken into account in one's deliberations, when seeking to determine the conditions obtaining in the field. These are: (1) The Moral Law; (2) Heaven; (3) Earth; (4) The Commander; (5) Method and discipline. Read it! | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |  | | The movies I have seen and loved Title | Comment | Temptation of a monk Film by Clara Law  | Fantastic epos about a general who became a monk after betraying one of the emperors sons. In his search for peace of mind he ends up with a master in a desolated monastery. Great movie | Lord of the Ring  Peter Jackson  | What to say. I have all the special editions DVD's. | The Mahabharata  1990 Peter Brook's Jean-Claude Carriere 
| Director Peter Brook's screen presentation of the legendary Indian myth uses international cast, to emphasize the nature of the epic as a universal story of all humanity. The film stars Vittorio Mezzogiorno as Arjuna, the leader of the virtuous Pandava clan, which wages war throughout the epic with the power-hungry Kauravas, who are led by Arjuna's half-brothers, Karna (Jeff Kissoon) and Duryodhana (Georges Corraface). Although the benign Lord Krishna (Bruce Myers) cannot intervene, he provides advice for both clans on protecting dharma, the order of the universe. Fantastic! Any seeker should see this excellent poem. I had to cry, every time I had seen it (9 times) | O Brother Where Art Thou?  Writer/directors Joel and Ethan Coen  | To have a plan, but not a clue. Great movie. The music is called "bluegrass music", a country music style. I loved it. | 2001: A Space Odyssey 2010: The Year We Make Contact  Stanley Kubrick and Arthur C. Clarke  | Amazing! The mystery of creation 2001 is no ordinary movie and cannot be judged by traditional standards. It's beautiful, ambiguous and mysterious; and it has influenced movie-makers and writers more than any other science fiction movie. | Pulp Fiction Reservoir Dogs Jackie Brown  Quentin tarantino  | Love his work. Fabulous. | Gladiator  David Franzoni  | When a Roman general is betrayed and his family murdered by a corrupt prince, he comes to Rome as a gladiator to seek revenge. Beautiful | The Razors edge  | Bill Murray is brilliantly casted in the role of the main character; a man seeking the meaning of life on a spiritual quest that sacrifices everything and everyone in his world. | Once were Warriors   | This is a revealing tale of an obscure sub-culture, that of the urban Maori, living in Auckland, New Zealand. Alcoholism, domestic violence, poverty and hopelessness oppress a family that is only kept in tack by the strength of two women. Beth Hake (Rena Owen), the mother who tolerates the abuse her husband heaps upon her, and her 13 year-old daughter Grace (Mamaengaroa Kerr-Bell), who wakes each morning to clean up the mess left from the party the night before. As Beth Hake struggles to maintain some semblance of family life, she repeatedly threatens to break away from her abusive husband Jake (Temuera Morrison), a tragic alcoholic who flies into violent rages when he's drunk. As her family disintegrates, Beth remembers her noble Maori roots. She takes her children and finds safe harbor within her ancestral Maori family. | The Killing Fields  Roland Joffé  | An American citizen is trapped in Cambodia during tyrant Pol Pot's bloody "Year Zero" ethnic cleansing campaign, which claimed the lives of two million "undesirable" civilians. Very Impressive movie. Chocking realistic. | Three Kings John Ridley (story) David O. Russell (screenplay)  | Operation Desert Storm has just ended. Now, four military men find a map leading to the gold stolen by Saddam Hussein in a prisoner's ass, and decide to take it upon themselves to find the stash and retire in wealth upon their return home. But what do you know...things are never that simple. What does the USA want in Irak? Oil! Watch this! Clooney shows his criticism here already, before the second war on Irak started and he got into the actors 'black list'. | | | The Birdcage   | In Mike Nichols's hilarious remake of the 1978 French comedy LA CAGE AUX FOLLES, Robin Williams stars as Armand Goldman, a gay cabaret owner who lives in Miami's South Beach with his partner, Albert (Nathan Lane), the club's star performer. Armand and Albert must try in vain to pass as a typical couple when the prospective in-laws of Armand's son, Val (Dan Futterman), come for dinner. While accepting their alternative lifestyle personally, Val demands that they tone it down for his girlfriend's (Calista Flockhart) parents--who happen to be a political couple running on a family values platform. Lane's hilarious attempts to "play it straight" and Hank Azaria's brilliantly flamboyant houseboy, Agador, are the highlights of the film, which also features a beautifully understated Williams as the more "normal" of the pair. Gene Hackman and Dianne Wiest are delightfully square as the future in-laws. So delightfull. I came out a queer... | Devils Advocate   | Al Pacino stars in this satanic thriller. He's an attorney from HELL! Keanu Reeves is also in this occult flick! A hotshot lawyer gets more than he bargained for when he learns his new boss is Lucifer himself. Fantastic criticism on GOD. The absent landlord! | Analize This Analyze That!  Kenneth Lonergan (story) and Peter Tolan (story)  | A comedy about a psychiatrist (Crystal) whose number one-patient is an insecure mob boss (De Niro.) Lots of giggles | Snatch  Guy Ritchie  | What's that? It's me belt, Turkish. No, Tommy. There's a gun in your trousers. What's a gun doing in your trousers? It's for protection. Protection from what? 'Zee Germans'? Diamond thief Franky Four Fingers must deliver a huge rock to his boss Avi in New York via London. Franky's delivery is botched, of course, when he's asked to place a bet on an illegal boxing match in London by Boris the Blade . To add to the mayhem, enter local jewelers Vinny (Robbie Gee) and Sol (Lennie James) and their plump getaway driver Tyrone (Ade); novice unlicensed boxing promoters Turkish and Tommy (Stephen Graham); ruthless boxing promoter and pig farm owner Brick Top (Alan Ford); an unreliable and unintelligible gypsy boxer ; a squeaking dog (really) and other uniquely characters. | The Mission  Roland Joffe 
| The Mission stars Jeremy Irons and Robert De Niro as European gentry in 18th century Brazil, one a priest, the other a slave trader. De Niro is stunning as a ruthless killer gradually transformed into a man in fear for his soul. While doing penance in the mission run by the priest, the two band together to defend the mission and their charges from the advancing Portuguese soldiers. | The Green Mile  Stephen King (novel) Frank Darabont (screenplay)  | The story about the lives of guards on death row leading up to the execution of a wrongly accused man who has the power of faith healing. Excellent! | | Link | | | | |  |  Feedback on ShanT's web site |
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