The Eye of GOD and now The face of GOD!!
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The eye of GOD...

Finally scientist succeeded to render the face of GOD out of the information locked inside pictures made by NASA's Hubble Space Telescope and the Kitt Peak National Observatory in Arizona. It has been years of study and cooperation between thousands of worldwide renowned scientists to get this amazing and worlds first result; GOD's face! And surprisingly we have to acknowledge;
he is black!

Other pictures taken by the Hubble telescope... These are originals and
can be enlarged!
The first pictures were featured on NASA's Website as an Astronomy Picture of the Day in May 2003 and thereafter posted on a number of Websites under the title "The Eye of God" (though I couldn't find evidence that NASA has ever referred to it as such). The awe-inspiring image has also been featured on magazine covers and in articles about space imagery.
Now see the result and sit back!
GOD's face!

And surprisingly we have to acknowledge;
he is black!
How funny to create such
a story.. Remember to laugh O great silly one!

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Dilgo Kyentse
Rinpoche Tulku

With Tischa

Timmerman, meubelmaker, interieurbouw, renovatie, zolder verbouwen.
Den haag en Den Bosch
Frigge Timmerwerken