My past lives
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In 1989 I went into hypnosis to learn about my past lives. A man, I
learned to know of, practiced this. He was a pagan druid. I had a tremendous
difficult time in my relationship with Neeraja,
and was looking for answers. I thought I had met her in another life, and
had images and dreams about this, me killing her... I had to get out of
this situation, and understand it! So I went under hypnosis. Regression.
It went easy. I dropped in naturally. I had 2 sessions, and each of them
brought me into 3 lives. While going through a tunnel of light I would
suddenly be in a different body, a different surrounding, and different
feeling. These are the images I had of those lives.
I was walking on grass. I felt lonely. I was short, I could
see my hairy strong short arm, wearing leather, and a short sword on my
side. My sword was for hire. I was thinking about my life, and the lack of
home, the wife and kids. An overall feeling of missing love and warmth. I
flashed to the end of my life, where I was sitting in a wooden chair /
throne, in a tent. I was the chief of an army of bandits, rapists, killers
and thieves. I was wandering what the hell I was doing here, If this was
what I really wanted, when a man came into the tent and shot an arrow in
my chest, pinning me onto the chair, and killing me instantly. I died.
-The prince
I was a prince of a noble race. The men were tall and
slim, with blond hair, proud. We carried long swords, and rode on our
horses. Our tents were square, with pointed top

Like this one. I was going to be married to a beautiful woman. There
was a problem. She wanted me to say goodbye to my invisible friend, my
friend she couldn't see, or otherwise she would not marry me. My friend as
my guide, so present. I felt it was necessary for my people that I would
have a healthy marriage, so I told my guiding spirit my choice. He left,
not to return. I cried my heart out during the session.
-The Neanderthal
I went back to my first incarnation. I was sitting with a
small group of humans, rough in the bone, hard and stupid. Dirty. We were
wearing nothing more than some skins with the hair still on it. It was
muddy, wet and cold. I thought about their lack of intelligence. Next
moment I was on the back of a dinosaur, in the hunt. Three other men were
around, trying to kill it. I got thrown off, and a three toe-ed foot with
huge nails, crushed my chest. I died.
-The Samurai
I was in a fight. I could see the steel flashing in front of
my eyes. Then I saw this soldier. Traditional Chinese or Japanese soldier
clothing, and a bow and arrow.

Next moment I had an arrow in my throat. I died. Only this time it was
different. Next moment I was hanging above my body, which was laying in
the mud. The two Chinese warriors were kicking my body. My thoughts were
with them, how stupid they were kicking this empty shell, while I had
left. Suddenly I felt to let go. There was nothing to hold me there. I
went up, and all around me was dark. Then there was light. I saw people,
or rather their outlines around me, and I knew I was home. This was
Heaven, and Nirvana. Both at the same time. This was where I belonged. But
then I got pulled up again. I was surprised, and looked up. I saw the old
man on the stone throne on a cloud, the triangle with the one eye, and the
sun at once. This was GOD. He took me to himself, and blew everything that
was cultural, manners and identifications away. Only my organs which were
gold, were left. I was proud, to have so much golden organs in me, but I
knew I had to go back, because not all were gold yet.
Next moment I fell backwards, my head snapped back, shooting
down. Next moment I was sitting on the ground as a baby, in front of a
These experiences made me realize reincarnation, GOD, and the meaning of
life. They were profound experiences, especially the one meeting GOD. It
was a landmark in my life, looking for ways to change the rest of my
organs into gold... I had some strange dreams

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